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Monteverdi : Scherzi Musicali, Venise 1607. EsaEnsemble, Chierici.
Format : 1 CD
Durée totale : 01:04:02

Enregistrement : 01/07/2013
Lieu : Massa
Pays : Italie
Prise de son : Eglise / Stereo

Label : Tactus
Référence : TC561309
EAN : 8007194106695
Code Prix : DM019A

Année d'édition : 2018
Date de sortie : 04/07/2018

Genre : Classique
Claudio Monteverdi (1567-1643)
Scherzi Musicali a 3 voix
I bei legami che stami intorno, SV 230
Amarilli onde m’assale, SV 231
Fugge il verno dei dolori, SV 232
Quando l’alba in oriente, SV 233
Non così tosto io miro, SV 234
Damigella tutta bella, SV 235
La pastorella mia spietata e rigida, SV 236
O rosetta, che rosetta, SV 237
Amorosa pupilletta che saetta, SV 238
Vaghi rai di cigli ardenti, SV 239
La violetta ch’en su l’herbetta, SV 240
Giovinetta ritrosetta, SV 241
Dolci miei sospiri, SV 242
Clori amorosa d’amor rubella, SV 243
Lidia spina del mio core, SV 244
Deh chi chi tace il bel pensero (Giulio Cesare Monteverdi)
Dispiegate guance amate (Giulio Cesare Monteverdi)
Balletto, De la bellezza le dovute lodi, SV 245

Baschenis Ensemble
Sergio Chierici, direction

The «Scherzi Musicali a tre voci di Claudio Monteverde, raccolti da Giulio Cesare Monteverde suo fratello, et nuovamente posti in luce» (“collected by his brother Giulio Cesare Monteverde and revealed again”), were published in 1607 by Ricciardo Amadino in Venice, and dedicated to «Serenissimo S. Don Francesco Gonzaga Prencipe di Mantova, et si Monferrato.» These are 18 compositions selected and edited by Giulio Cesare Monteverdi: 17 «Scherzi», strophic songs written by Claudio, except the last two of Giulio Cesare himself, and a wider concluding ballet, «De la bellezza le dovute lodi». Even with light and schematic compositions such as «Scherzi», the rules of the «Seconda Prattica» do not fail: new polyphonic technique, innovative use of dissonance, original concertation and, above all, great importance to the lyrics, with a strong dramatic power, before harmony and rhythm. A masterpiece of the history of music of that time, in the mark of eternal querrelle between ancient and modern. The EsaEnsemble, a female vocal group directed by Sergio Chierici and accompanied by the instrumental ensemble Baschenis, effectively deals with this important work by the great genius of the Renaissance, in a colorful variety of vocal and instrumental organics supported by a wide use of period instruments.

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