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Ugis Praulins : Odi et Amo 2.0, oratorio. Lustig.
Format : 1 CD
Durée totale : 01:15:37

Enregistrement : 08-24/06/2018
Lieu : Uetersen
Pays : Allemagne
Prise de son : Eglise / Stereo

Label : Rondeau
Référence : ROP6164
EAN : 4037408061643
Code Prix : DM017A

Année d'édition : 2018
Date de sortie : 01/11/2018

Genre : Classique
Ugis Praulins (1957-)
Odi et Amo 2.0, oratorio pour chœur d'enfants, solistes et Rock Band
Odi et amo
Fiat lux
Quare fremuerunt gentes
O beata Trinitas
Rorando coeli
Ad Dianam
Qui me amat
Ave color vini clari
Qui creavit coelum
Pange lingua
Ode ad Apollinem
Chorus novae Jerusalem
Ave maris stella
St George
Libera me

Yared Dibaba, rap
Anna-Marie Hefele, chant diphonique, voix, nyckelharpa, harpe, mandoline
Isolde Kittel-Zerer, clavecin
Leonid Klimaschewski, accordéon
Stefan Kuchel, saxophone, instruments à vent numérique
Indra Tedjasukmana, beatboxing
Rock Band
Mathias Bläse, percussions
Malte Kuhn, guitare
Bo Stockfleth, basse
Torben Tietz, guitare acoustique
Stefan Weith, claviers
Ugis Praulins, claviers, voix
Chorknaben Uetersen
Hans-Joachim Lustig, direction

The oratorio for choir and rock band combines the traditional timbre of a boys’ choir with modern sounds familiar from pop and rock. The oratorio was first composed in the 1990s; in 2018 the composer Ugis Praulinš, the choir, and several guest performers have collaborated to bring new life to Odi et Amo in this updated, modernized version 2.0: a fascinating and stirring mix that breaks the boundaries between pop and classical music. In ‘Odi et Amo 2.0’, the Chorknaben Uetersen (directed by Hans-Joachim Lustig) and the work’s Latvian composer are joined by numerous renowned musicians and colleagues from the worlds of classical and popular music. Anna-Maria Hefele, a ‘pop star’ of overtone singing, features prominently in this fresh version of the oratorio as do Yared Dibaba (rap), Stefan Kuchel (saxophone & EWI) and Indra Tedjasukmana (beatboxing).

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